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原创Youth in Growth 少年乘风起,未来皆可期|2023届初高升学典礼回顾

2023-07-10 12:08:11 互联网



On June 30, 2023, ISA Liwan School held the Promotion Ceremony for the Grade 8 and Grade 10 students of secondary school respectively. Proud parents, students, teachers, principals, and the leadership team gathered together to celebrate, and encourage students to continueto forge aheadin their future studies.



"The best way to predict the future is to create it."


Ms Myra Wang, theDeputy Head (International) of ISA Wenhua Liwan School and Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan Secondary School, expressed her gratitude to all students, parents and staff for their trust andconfidence in the founding year. Together, weexperienced many firsts and created countless possibilities.


/ 王玉梅校长寄语(节选) /

“People often compare life to a marathon, but there is an essential difference between a life marathon and a competitive one. The marathon of life is not a race to run faster than anyone else, but whether you reach the end.


A year ago, we planted a small seed in ISA Liwan, today it has blossomed. Out of the initial confusion, over the mountain of language, with firm motivation and an open mind, students sing all the way on the road to becoming a better self.”


At ISA Liwan, we take "Cultivate future innovators, leaders, lifelong learners, and achieve their dreams." as our mission. In his speech, Mr Peter Guo, Principal of Middle School, said that looking towards the future, he hopes that every students can continue to develop their creativity, innovation, and critical thinking skills, and also, embrace every opportunity to learn, grow, and develop.


/ 郭晓晖校长寄语(节选) /

“To our students, I want to say how proud we are of each and every one of you. You have demonstrated resilience, determination, and dedication throughout your time in Middle school. You have shown us that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. Your achievements today are a testament to your commitment to excellence, and we have no doubt that you will continue to excel in high school and beyond.


As our students prepare to leave middle school behind, let us remind them that this is not the end but rather the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. High school will present new challenges and opportunities, but with the skills and knowledge they have acquired during their time here, they are well equipped to face them head-on. Let us encourage them to continue striving for excellence, to embrace new experiences, and to never give up on their dreams.


During the Promotion Ceremony, Grade 8 and 10 students were honoured with a Certificate of Promotiom of their exceptional academic achievements. Their teachers also sent each student a letter of congratulation. Looking back on their growth, the joy and heartfelt moments of the past year emerged vividly in everyone"s heart.


The firm support of parents is the greatest affirmation of a school"s education. When the Grade 8 parent representative, Mr Yao, delivered his speech on stage, the highlighted the changes of his child since she joined ISA Liwan. She became more independence, confident and optimistic. With the school"s individualised education and the encouragement of her classmates, parents are also very pleased to be the witnesses. The cooperation between school and family finally drive the student to find their interests and future endevours.

家长的坚定支持,是对学校教育最大的肯定。八年级家长代表Sunny Yao的父亲姚宏安先生在上台发表感言时,着重提到孩子在爱莎荔湾学习以来的变化——更独立和自信,欢笑也多了。在学校的个性化辅导和同学们的陪伴下,家长也很欣慰可以见证并参与到孩子的成长。从一开始陌生害怕到找到兴趣和目标,家校合作一起激发并呵护每一个孩子的成长内驱力。

/ 家长代表姚宏安先生寄语(节选) /

“I hope that through the next four years of study, everyone can get into their dream universities. With our globally-oriented teaching philosophy and curriculum, ISA Liwan campus provides a nurturing harbor where students can cultivate their life goals. With dreams as their compass, we believe that through their journey at ISA Liwan, they will soar towards world-class universities and embrace the vast ocean of knowledge.


The drama "The Peach Blossom Land" presented by the Grade 10 students brought the ceremony to a climax. From studying the script to re-creating, the students tried so hard to figure out the characteristics, and interpreted it in their own way. After more than a month of polishing, they finally presented it to everyone.


On stage, the students immerse themselves in the characters with emotions. Their profound acting skills and line skills brought an audio-visual feast to all audiences, which also drew a successful conclusion of their Grade 10 learning journey.


At the end of the ceremony, the students sent flowers and thanks to their teachers and parents, for their unremitting efforts and support.Their passion for education has inspired students to pursue their goals with enthusiasm and determination, and to be a better self.




原创Youth in Growth 少年乘风起,未来皆可期|2023届初高升学典礼回顾
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